Drinking Water for Schools Grant Program - Technical Assistance Available

Does your school or school district want to improve student access to safe drinking water?
The California State Water Resources Control Board is offering $9.5 million in grant funding through the Drinking Water for Schools Grant Program, which may be used to install water bottle filling stations or drinking water fountains, and for interim water supplies and treatment devices for schools where arsenic, lead or other contamination is an issue.
Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are eligible to apply for these funds, including schools that serve kindergarten through 12th grade and preschools and daycare centers that are located on school property. During the first nine months, the program is open only to LEAs that serve Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) with a population of less than 20,000. County offices of education are encouraged to apply on behalf of multiple small districts within their jurisdictions, which can reduce costs through joint purchasing and contracting.
The State Water Resources Control Board selected Rural Community Assistance Corporation (RCAC) to provide technical assistance during the grant application and implementation period. During September, RCAC and its partners presented four workshops in locations throughout the state to provide in-depth information about the grant program and application process.
For more information, watch the San Diego workshop recording here: https://youtu.be/f6rmXo0eoRg or contact RCAC staff at agua4all@rcac.org.