National Drinking Water Alliance
Oct 29, 2019
This November, Take the Zero to 60 Challenge
Think you can go 30 days without drinking a sugary beverage? This November, challenge yourself to live a healthier life by choosing water...

National Drinking Water Alliance
Oct 11, 2019
Proposed New Lead and Copper Rule Released for Comment Period
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released its proposed new Lead and Copper Rule for a 60-day public comment period. EPA...

National Drinking Water Alliance
Oct 7, 2019
Children’s Environmental Health Day is October 10th
Despite many advancements in the field of children’s environmental health over the past few decades, today’s children face an epidemic of...

National Drinking Water Alliance
Oct 3, 2019
Keeping Little Ones Healthy Every Sip of the Way
Research shows that the beverages young children drink have a major impact on their long-term health. And with all the choices available...