- National Drinking Water Alliance
Read It, Play It, Sing It, Try It: Offering Water to Kids
Kids love to play and it can often be challenging to get them to drink the right amount of water they need throughout the day. As part of a new requirement from USDA beginning October 1, 2017, child care providers participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) must offer water throughout the day, in addition to making it available.
The National CACFP Sponsors Association (NCA), which provides support, education and resources to the CACFP community, has created a free toolkit, Grow Healthy Kids, Just Add Water, for child care providers to encourage water consumption.
This toolkit encourages kids to read about water in fun stories, explore water in play time, sing and dance to water-themed songs, and, of course, adding water to their diet in various ways. With a week-worth of lessons to 'just add water' to their daily routine, children are learning the importance of developing this healthy habit.
Download NCA’s Grow Healthy Kids Just Add Water Toolkit and access over 25 kid-friendly, fun activities.