- National Drinking Water Alliance
New Video Highlights the Importance of Water for Good Oral Health
The average child in the United States now consumes over half of their body weight in sugar every year. Much of this sugar comes from sugary beverages, including juice and soda.
Too much sugar can lead to serious health issues such as obesity, diabetes and poor oral health. Some populations, such as Latinos experience higher rates of oral disease than the general population. About half of all Latino children in the United States have experienced cavities and, in Washington State, the rampant decay rate (seven or more cavities) among Latino children is on the rise, in part because of the increase in sugary beverage consumption.
As part of The Mighty Mouth campaign, Washington Dental Service Foundation recently partnered with University of California San Francisco and the University of Washington to develop “Share the Love, Share the Water” a two minute animated, engaging video for Latino/a audiences that explains in plain language with fun images the benefits of drinking water to keep our bodies – including our mouths – healthier.
Please share this video, available in English and Spanish, with your networks and encourage them to learn about water for good health. Visit TheMightyMouth.org for more information. If you have questions, please contact Laura Flores, Health Equity Lead Strategist, WDS Foundation at LFlores@DeltaDentalWA.com.