Links Specific to Your State
Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs - Is There Lead In My Tap Water and What Can I Do About It? - Comprehensive information on lead in drinking water including sources of exposure, health effects from lead, how to know if you may have lead-contaminated water, steps to reducing or eliminating lead in drinking water, contact information for state-certified laboratories
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority - What You Need to Know About Lead In Tap Water - Addresses topics such as: How Can Lead Get Into My Water? How to Reduce Exposure to Lead? How to Get Your Home's Tap Water Tested for Lead? What MWRA is Doing to Lower Levels at the Tap? Information about lead service lines, replacing home lead service lines, Should I Buy a Home Filtration System or Bottled Water? and more
Boston Water and Sewer Commission - Lead Resources -
Information on source of lead, reducing lead exposure, lead testing centers, lead service map, and other lead resources
Boston Water and Sewer Commission - Lead Replacement Incentive Program - Information on BWSC’s voluntary grant program which provides an incentive to remove lead from water services, Lead Hotline: 617-989-7888
Cambridge, MA Water Department - Test My Water - Information on water quality and FREE tap testing, as well as contact information
Sterling, MA - Important Information about Lead in Drinking Water - Brochure about sources of lead exposure in drinking water and steps that can be taken to reduce exposure
Springfield Water and Sewer Commission - Lead and Drinking Water - Informational website on Springfield water quality, lead service lines, steps to reduce exposure, and more
Town of Reading, MA - Lead and Copper in your Drinking Water - Informational website about sources of lead exposure in drinking water, how to determine if you have a lead service line, steps that can be taken to reduce exposure including flushing your tap, and more
Find more information about your local drinking water by accessing your water provider’s Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), also known as an annual drinking water quality report. Your CCR tells you where your water comes from and what's in it. Please note that CCRs for all water systems may not be available. Here are some tips for refining your search: Only populate the state field, click 'Search', then browse the results for your CWS, or narrow your search by adding the name of your county.
Find Your State-Certified Lead Testing Laboratories
Resources prepared by the Horsley Witten Group and commissioned by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
Useful Links
Lead in Drinking Water: What to Know if You are a Renter or Condo Owner (WKKF)
El Plomo en Agua Potable: Lo Que Debe Saber Si Usted Es Un Inquilino O Propietario De Un Condominio (WKKF)
Lead in Drinking Water: What to Know if You are a Homeowner (WKKF)
El Plomo en Agua Potable: Lo Que Debe Saber Si Usted Es Propietario De Una Casa (WKKF)
Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water Website (EPA)
Find drinking water quality information for your community (EPA)
Find a state-certified testing laboratory (EPA)
How to Identify Lead Free Certification Marks for Drinking Water System & Plumbing Products (EPA)
Guide to Choosing a Certified Lead Filtration Device (NSF International)
Managing Lead in Drinking Water at Schools and Early Childhood Education Facilities (WKKF)