The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) 2018 report, Lead Testing of School Drinking Water Would Benefit From Improved Federal Guidance, investigates current school practices for lead testing and remediation in drinking water. The report includes school lead testing results from a random national sample, information on existing state-level efforts to require schools to test for lead in drinking water and recommendations for the federal government. U.S. GAO.
The School Health Profiles (Profiles), last updated in 2016, is a system of surveys assessing school health policies and practices in states, large urban school districts, and territories, including those related to water access. Profiles surveys are conducted biennially by education and health agencies among middle and high school principals and lead health education teachers. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
The School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS) is a national survey periodically conducted, updated in 2016, to assess school health policies and practices at the state, district, school, and classroom levels, including policies and practices related to drinking water access and testing. CDC.
The Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) monitors six types of health-risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among youth and adults, including unhealthy dietary behaviors. The 2015 study includes results on consumption of water. CDC.