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 Ally info

Thank you for joining the movement to ensure that all children in the U.S. can drink water in the places where they live, learn and play
as an official ally of the National Drinking Water Alliance (NDWA).


Operating Guidelines:


  • A workgroup or action can be proposed by any NDWA ally and can proceed after approval
    by the Advisory Committee.

  • Letters, statements, testimony or other NDWA documents are sent to the Advisory Committee and other partner subject matter experts for comments and editing.  After the Advisory Committee reaches general (not necessarily unanimous) agreement, the document is shared with other NDWA allies for sign-on. Any such NDWA document or statement represents the position only of the groups that sign it.


  • We ask you to participate in a short semi-annual evaluation survey to help us track drinking water activities and provide feedback on NDWA. 

A Few Highlights Since NDWA Launched:


  • Since revelations of elevated lead levels in Flint, Michigan tap water, and contamination incidents in other in communities across the country, NDWA resources have been poured into informational efforts directed toward decision-makers at the national, state and community levels, including,

  • Informing development of legislation for tap water lead testing in schools and childcare sites

  • Production of a 3-part webinar series and accompanying factsheets on School Tap Water Safety

  • A Congressional educational briefing in September 2017


  • NDWA allies have undertaken a vigorous campaign to place an icon for water on the MyPlate graphic. As part of the campaign, over 2,500 “Put Water on MyPlate” sticky pads have been distributed to date, allowing people to stick their own symbol for water on MyPlate.

  • USDA CNPP added a water droplet and text to MyPlate, MyWins in 2016

  • Allies are working to inform the 2020 Dietary Guidelines development process


  • Our drinking water listserv has over 150 members.

  • Since inception in July 2016, the NDWA website, has had over 14,000 unique users that have collectively visited over 20,000 times, with over 43,000 pageviews. This means that your news items, toolkits, papers, fact sheets and reports are being seen!


  • For a list of recent NDWA activities, or to add your own drinking water projects and accomplishments to the list, please email


Click here for a printable version of the operating guidelines and NDWA activities.

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